This 2 Burner Wonder is a favorite dish at home~ I was delighted to find it translated well to the campsite. Throw some rice pilaf on the other burner, salad, voila! Dinner!

Look for other home-cooked favorites to consider for camping~ if it's easy at home, it's often easy on the camp stove.
If you want to get ALL your cooking out of the way on night one, and have more fishing time on evening two, make two breasts instead of one. Keep the second chilled next to ice in the ice chest... chop and toss it with some Caesar dressing, greens and croutons for a lemony chicken Caesar salad on a warm summer evening, with a roll toasted on the fire grate.

Chicken Piccata GoSoloCamp
1 boneless skinless chicken breast (If I have it scheduled for night #2, I bring one frozen and it helps keep things cool in the cooler as it thaws.)
1 package or cube chicken bouillon
Small handful of flour (note: if you forget this, as I have done, just improvise and sub pancake mix from your Camp Pantry supplies, you resourceful thing, you!)
A little olive oil or avocado oil, salt & pepper from your Camp Pantry
1 T butter or margarine
1 lemon, sliced in half (keep an end slice for garnish if feeling fancy)
A little parsley (optional)
Boxed rice pilaf mix, and butter or margarine for that; green salad fixings of your choice, pre-bagged.
Start water boiling (enough for rice, + 1/2 cup for bouillon that you will dip out) in a small pot on one burner; warm 1 T butter for rice in a frying pan on the other.
Brown your rice pilaf in the frying pan.
Pull out 1/2 C boiling water; dissolve bouillon in a cup and set aside. Add the rice to the boiling water to cook per package directions.
Warm a bit of your oil in the frying pan again.
Pound chicken breast flat in a ziplock bag (I use my tent mallet, lol) OR bring it pre-pounded.
Dredge chicken in flour. Salt and pepper.
When the oil is sizzling but not burning (watch it closely! Camp stoves are kind of either FULL ON or OFF!) add chicken, and cook through, approximately 3-4 minutes on each side. Cut to check for doneness. Remove and wrap in foil, set aside.
Add bouillon to pan drippings; squeeze juice from both halves of the lemon into the pan.
After this has cooked down just a bit, add 1 T butter and swirl; when that has melted, place chicken back in, and turn to coat and heat through.
Remove from heat, plate your chicken and pour pan juices over, sprinkle with torn parsley if desired. Spoon up some rice pilaf alongside, light your candle lantern. Dinner is served!